May 14, 2018The flow of things to come? Customer views on the challenges for water.We are now promised that by December 2011 the Government’s plans for the water industry in England & Wales will be set out in a Water...
May 3, 20183 cheers for a privatised water industryThe last time we saw a change of government in our green and pleasant land it was to the fanfare of “things can only get better”. How...
Apr 13, 2018The ex-Dirty Man of Europe?This is a piece that we've put in our regular client bulletin "The Source" - the full bulletin can be found at here Water Bulletin 2016...
Apr 13, 2018Brave new world or same old same old?As announcements go it was pretty low key, but 2nd March 2017 may well go down as a landmark date for the water sector in England. On 2nd...